Hi everyone, this is just a quick post to report some recent progress I have made on Knights.
It’s true that not much in the way of Knights development has happened recently (well, since January really…) — however, I did get some time to work on Knights yesterday and today and hopefully this should continue into the near future at least.
So I have been busy working on the first stage of the plan I posted last month, which was to remove the separate “team duel to death” quest and instead make ALL games team games. Here’s a screenshot of the new quest menu:

As you can see I have added five new house colours, this gives us enough colours for up to 12-player games which should be enough for now (and I can easily add more if needed). I also fixed the bug where entry points secured by the Black player were too dark (so black is now a usable colour for duel to the death quests).
Next up will be to implement a Quest Requirements window on the in-game screen, so that people can know what they are supposed to do without having to press ESC.